Law and Legislation

Australian Federal and State Government Sites

Australian Law Resources
- Australasian Legal Information Institute
Searchable full text databases of federal and state legal resources including legislation, industrial relations courts, the High Court etc. Also includes special databases such as the Australian Human Rights Materials Database. AustLii Guide to Legal Information on the internet can be dowloaded. This guide details how best to search AustLii databases as well as providing informational on other national and international legal resources on the internet. Includes information and searchable databases on world law.
- Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales
This site provides access to legal resources from Australia and overseas.
Provides legal information, legislation, case law, Hansard and parliamentary papers, company and court forms, and trade marks and patent searches. Registration (which is free) is required after five uses.
- Legislative Instruments Database
(Soon to be the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments)
A service provided by the Attorney General's Department, the database comprises of regulations currently in force. The instruments themselves are in tiff image formats and require a viewer to access. In future the database will include: legislative instruments made after the commencement of the Act; and legislative instruments made before the commencement of the Act. Options for text viewing are also planned.
- ScalePlus
A collection of legal databases presented by the Australian Attorney-General's Department. Covers Commonwealth and State legislation and case law. Includes databases of decisions from the Industrial Relations Court of Australia and decisions made under various acts such as the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. To maximise your search results read the quick reference sheet for tips. [a downloadable rtf file].
.About the FEUIC
.Internet Resources

This page last updated on 30.7.2004 by Kati Sunner