Industrial Relations and Labour

Australian Federal and State Government Sites
- Department of Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business
Provides a variety of resources on aspects of industrial relations through the Australian Workplace site. Includes access to Wagenet, a service providing online information about wages and conditions of work and fact sheets. Also included are a number of full text publications covering labour market issues, research, evaluation of programmes and services, and labour data.
- Department of Industrial Relations (New South Wales)
Site provides access to the Awards Online with full-text of awards including awards covering teachers in nongovernment schools, and a range of publications.
- Department Industrial Relations (Queensland)
Includes a range of publications and wage summary sheets on a selected range of awards.
- Workplace Services (South Australia)
The Employment Relations Information Centre (ERIC) provides information on wages, workplace safety, industrial relations information and legislation.
- Office of Industrial Relations (Tasmania)
Information on enterprise bargaining agreements and information on departmental services.
- Industrial Relations Victoria
Site includes a range of publications and resources, including reports, legislation and media releases.
- Department of Consumer and Employment Protection (Western Australia)
Information on wages and conditions of employment, a range of online publications and access to Wageline enquiries.

Australian Industrial Relations and Labour Resources

International Industrial Relations and Labour Resources
.About the FEUIC
.Internet Resources

This page last updated on 8.12.2005 by Kati Sunner