Aboriginal Issues

Australian Federal and State Government Sites
Australian Aboriginal Resources
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC)
Site includes fact sheets, a listing of all ATSIC publications with some available online, and information on a range of issues including Native Title and land rights. A free service offering email updates, news releases, bulletins is also available.
- Aboriginal Languages of Australia
Offers resources on about 40 Australian Indigenous languages. Resources can be viewed by type of resource (dictionary etc.), by language name and by state. This site is part of the World Wide Web Virtual Library.
- Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies - AIATSIS
A range of information on indigenous issues including downloadable issues papers and the searchable database of the
Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody research register(RCIADIC).
- Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation - ANTaR
Information on Native Title, treaty resources, stolen generations and latest news and events.
- Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research
This research centre attached to the ANU, focuses on indigenous Australian economic policy and economic development issues, including native title and land rights, social justice, etc. Site includes abstracts of publications and some full text working papers and issue briefs.
- Indigenous Australians - Australian Government Directory
Listings of organisations involved in art, education, health, housing, rights, etc., providing contact information including Internet addresses where relevant.
- KooriNet
A project of the Koori Centre of the University of Sydney, it aims to create a cyber-community of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. It includes links to other sites as well as providing a list of relevant email lists.
- Reconciliation and Social Justice Project
Mounted by the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation and AustLII, this site provides information on legal issues and a searchable library database with access to full text documents.
International Aboriginal Resources
- Aboriginal Connections
Web directory of sites covering Canadian aboriginal, Native American, Australian Aboriginal (around 120 links) and other indigenous peoples and cultures. Information is organised by topic and includes an internal search engine.
.About the FEUIC
.Internet Resources
This page last updated on 7.10.2003 by Kati Sunner